Municipal health policy: do municipalities carry out what they promised?
Effects of the mental health promoting program in Slovakia on mental health of boys and girls.
Pain and psychological well-being: The mediating effect of self-esteem and adjustment to disease.
Measurement of quality of life in kidney transplant recipients.
Reliabilita a validita slovenskej verzie a modifikácia Stanfordského dotazníka hodnotiaceho zdravie pomocou indexu disability (HAQ) u pacientov s reumatiodnou artritídou. (Reliability and validity of the Slovak version and modification of the Stanford health assessment questionnaire – Functional Disability Index (HAQ) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)
The beginning of Health Statistics.
Users’ satisfaction with Health Care System.
Assessing pain from different perspectives: Evaluation of three pain measures in patients with a chronic disease.
Standfordský dotazník hodniaci zdravie pomocou indexu disability (HAQ) u pacientov s reumatiodnou artritídou – validita a reliabilita slovenskej verzie (Stanford health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – validity and reliability of the Slovak version).