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Effect of an exercise programme for reducing abdominal fat on overactive bladder symptoms in young overweight women.
International Urogynecology Journal 2020, 31:895–902, IF 2.094, Q2
Hagovska M, Svihra J, Bukova A, Drackova D, Horbacz A, Nagyova I.
Fatigue and Suicidal Ideation in People With Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Social Support
Frontiers in Psychology 2020; 11: Art.No. 504; IF 2.129, Q2
Mikula P, Timkova V, Linkova M, Vitkova M, Szilasiova J, Nagyova I.
Health research and knowledge translation for achieving the sustainable development goals: tackling the hurdles
European Journal of Public Health 2020, 30, Supp 1:i36–i40, IF 2.234, Q2
Sipido KR, Nagyova I.
Achieving the SDGs in the European Region
European Journal of Public Health 2020, 30, Supp 1:i1–i2, IF 2.234, Q2
Nagyova I, McKee M, Droogers M.
Effects of Nordic walking on cardiovascular performance and quality of life in coronary artery disease
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2020,56,5: 616-624; IF 2.258, Q1
Nagyova I, Jendrichovsky M, Kucinsky R, Lachytova M, Rus V
Are disease severity, sleep-related problems, and anxiety associated with work functioning in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea?
Disability and Rehabilitation 2019, 41:18, 2164-2174, IF 2.054, Q2
Timkova V, Nagyova I, Reijneveld SA, Tkacova R, van Dijk JP, Bültmann U.
Textbook of Social Medicine
SafarikPress Publishing, Kosice
Nagyova I, Katreniakova Z (eds.)
Social support, mastery, sleep-related problems and their association with functional status in untreated obstructive sleep apnoea patients.
Heart & Lung 2018, 47:371–379, IF 1.657, Q1
Timkova V, Nagyova I, Reijneveld SA, Tkacova R, van Dijk JP, Bültmann U.
Management of multiple sclerosis: the role of coping self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Psychol Health Med 2018, doi: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1437277 [Epub ahead of print], IF 1.500, Q3
Mikula P, Nagyova I, Vitkova M, Szilasiova J.
Psychological distress in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: The role of hostility and coping self-efficacy.
Journal of Health Psychology 2018, doi: 10.1177/1359105318792080 [Epub ahead of print], IF 2.182, Q2
Timkova V, Nagyova I, Reijneveld SA, Tkacova R, van Dijk JP, Bultmann U.
Social participation after kidney transplantation as a predictor of graft loss and mortality over 10 years: A longitudinal study.
Transplantation 2015; 99:568–575, IF 3.535, Q1
Prihodova L, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Roland R, Majernikova M, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.
Asociácie medzi sebaposudzovaným zdravím, mentálnym stavom, BMI a fyzickou aktivitou u adolescentov
IX. Martinské dni verejného zdravotníctva, Martin, SR, 4.-6.3.2015. Program 2015
Lachytova M, Katreniakova Z, Nagyova I, Mikula P.
The associations between fatigue, apathy, and depression in Parkinson’s disease.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2015,133: 80-87, IF 2.474, Q2
Skorvanek M, Gdovinova Z, Rosenberger J, Ghorbani Saeedian R, Nagyova I, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.
Adolescents’ psychological well-being and self-esteem in the context of relationships at school.
Educational Research 2014, 56, 4:367–378, IF 0.339, Q4
Sarkova M, Bacikova-Sleskova M, Madarasova Geckova A, Katreniakova Z, van den Heuvel W, van Dijk JP.
Hodnotenie úspešnosti intervencie v oblasti výživy a návykových látok medzi adolescentmi Gymnázia J.A. Komenského a Gymnázia Šrobárova v Košiciach.
XXII. vedecko-odborná konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou: Životné podmienky a zdravie, Starý Smokovec, SR, 22 -24.9.2014 (poster) Program: 12
Adamčiková Z, Katreniaková Z, Holéczyová G.
2013 Annual Report: EUPHA section on Chronic Diseases.
Annual reports/meetings of EUPHA section on Chronic diseases.
Nagyova I.
2011 Annual Report: EUPHA section on Chronic Diseases.
Annual reports/meetings of EUPHA section on Chronic diseases.
Nagyova I.
Subjective physical health complaints and psychological well-being in young adults
5th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 'Health and Institutional Change', Esbjerg, Denmark, 15.-17.7.2006 (abstract). Programme and Abstract Book 2006: 55.
Katreniakova Z, Sarkova M, orosova O, naygova I.
Chronic Diseases and Care for the Elderly.
In: 14 European Conference on Public Health. Proceedings. Montreux, Switzerland, 16-18. november 2006: 30-31.
Nagyova I, van Dijk JP.
Do reasons for cigarette smoking differ between primary and secondary school adolescents and university students?
5th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 'Health and Institutional Change', Esbjerg, Denmark, 15.-17.7.2006 (abstract). Programme and Abstract Book 2006: 52
Sarkova M, Humenikova M, katreniakova Z, Sleskova M, Orosova O.
Intersectoral Health Policy in Dutch municipalities Preliminary findings
6th ESHMS Biennial Conference 'Health+Social Change: In the Integration of Europe', Budapest, Hungary, 29.-31.8.1996. Abstract Book: 51.
Van Dijk, JP.
Suicidal ideation in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea and its relationship with disease severity, sleep-related problems and social support.
J Health Psychol 2018, doi: 10.1177/1359105318758859 [Epub ahead of print], IF 2.182, Q2
Timkova V, Nagyova I, Reijneveld SA, Tkacova R, Stewart RE, van Dijk JP, Bültmann U.
Importance of an individual’s evaluation of functional status for health-related quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Disability and Health Journal, 2015, 8:372-379, IF 1.446, Q2
Gavelova M, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Krokavcova M, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.
The role of social support in anxiety and depression among Parkinson’s disease patients
Disability and Rehabilitation 2014, 36, 24:2044-2049, IF 1.837, Q1
Ghorbani Saeedian R, Nagyova I, Krokavcova M, Skorvanek M, Rosenberger J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP
The mediating effect of coping on the association between fatigue and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Psychology, Health and Medicine 2015, 20, 6: 653-661, IF 1.255, Q3
Mikula P, Nagyova I, Krokavcova M, Vitkova M, Rosenberger J, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.
Seven years’ mortality in Roma and non-Roma patients after coronary angiography.
European Journal of Public Health 2015, 25, 5:765–769, IF 2.516, Q1
Sudzinova A, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Studencan M, Vargova H, Middel B, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA.
Elderly from lower socioeconomic groups are more vulnerable to mental health problems, but area deprivation does not contribute: a comparison between Slovak and Dutch cities.
European Journal of Public Health 2017, 27, Suppl_2:80-85, IF 2.431, Q1
Behanova M, Katreniakova Z, Nagyova I, van Ameijden EJ, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA.
Are area-level and individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with self-rated health in adult urban citizens? Evidence from Slovak and Dutch cities.
European Journal of Public Health 2017, 27, Suppl_2:86-92, IF 2.431, Q1
Behanova M, Reijneveld SA, Nagyova I, Katreniakova Z, van Ameijden EJ, Dijkshoorn H, van Dijk JP.
Social participation in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Disability and Rehabilitation 2016, 38, 12:1172-1179, IF 1.985, Q1
Benka J, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van der Klink JL, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.
Social participation and health related quality of life in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 2016, 28:381–392, IF 0.880, Q3
Benka J, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van der Klink JL, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP.