Adolescents’ psychological well-being and self-esteem in the context of relationships at school.
Hodnotenie úspešnosti intervencie v oblasti výživy a návykových látok medzi adolescentmi Gymnázia J.A. Komenského a Gymnázia Šrobárova v Košiciach.
The role of social support in anxiety and depression among Parkinson’s disease patients
Ghorbani-Saedian 2014 – Disab Rehab
Social Support as a Moderator of Functional Disability’s Effect on Depressive Feelings in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Four-Year Prospective Study.
Health-risk behaviours in deprived urban neighbourhoods: a comparison between Slovak and Dutch cities.
Is coping self-efficacy related to psychological distress in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients?
Factors associated with poor sleep quality in patients with multiple sclerosis differ by disease duration.
Relationship of primary and secondary fatigue and apathy in Parkinson’s disease patients.
poster abstract
Výskyt mentálnych zdravotných problémov v hmotnostných kategóriách mestskej populácie adolescentov v Slovenskej republike – projekt EURO-URHIS 2.
Personality, Coping and Quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
poster abstract