Elderly from lower socioeconomic groups are more vulnerable to mental health problems, but area deprivation does not contribute: a comparison between Slovak and Dutch cities.
Are area-level and individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with self-rated health in adult urban citizens? Evidence from Slovak and Dutch cities.
Self-esteem, social participation, and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Is poor sleep quality associated with greater disability in patients with multiple sclerosis?
The transfer of skills from cognitive and physical training to activities of daily living: a randomised controlled study.
Developing a European urban health indicator system: results of EURO-URHIS 1.
Collecting standardized urban health indicator data at an individual level for school-aged children living in urban areas: methods from EURO-URHIS 2.
Associations between self-rated health, mental health problems and physical inactivity among urban adolescents.