In a time of financial crisis, an ageing population, and a growing burden of chronic disease healthcare systems are under great pressure. The population of individuals with one or more chronic illnesses is large and growing rapidly, and the ability of the fragmented health systems to meet the complex needs of these patients is limited. As such, there […]

VEGA 1/0594/17

The main aim of this project was to identify the most successful (and least successful) coping strategies in patients with multiple sclerosis. The analyses were focused on wide categories of coping with stress as well as specific behavioural strategies like planning, seeking of instrumental support, or positive reframing, which have an effect on the physical […]


One of the greatest challenges that will face health systems globally in the twenty-first century will be the increasing burden of chronic diseases. Despite the clinical differences across these chronic conditions, each illness confronts patients and their relatives with the same spectrum of needs: to alter their behaviour; to deal with the social and emotional […]


The ICARE4EU project wants to improve the care for people suffering from multiple chronic conditions. An estimated 50 million people in Europe suffer from such conditions. The complex health care problems of these patients and their need for continuous and multidisciplinary care poses a great challenge to health systems and social services. But also from […]


Urban health is important due urbanisation and requires specific information not captured by national datasets. The EURO-URHIS (www.urhis.eu) project funded by DG SANCO, identified urban health indicators and their availability. EURO-URHIS 2 aims to develop methodology and validated tools useful to policymakers at all levels to make health gains via evidence-based policy decisions for urban […]